5K Safety Protocols

Safety is our top priority on race day.  While protocols such as masking and social distancing are no longer required, we encourage everyone to take the necessary precautions as you see fit based on your current health.  Additionally, we support any of our families to do what works best for you as we want everyone to feel included in all of our events.  Below are some reminders from the height of the pandemic but are still good reminders.   


Before coming to the race, please do a safety self-check at home. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, please stay home and do not come to the race.  If you need to pick-up your swag please contact Terri at terri@potomacriverrunning.com to schedule a time to pick it up.  

COVID-19 Home Safety Self Check

  • Have you had close contact with or cared for someone diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days?
  • Do you have a temperature greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit?
  • Have you experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days or any 2 of the following symptoms: 
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • Fever
    • Chills
    • Repeated shaking with chills
    • Muscle pain
    • Headache
    • Sore throat
    • New loss of taste or smell

**If you can answer no to all of the above questions, please come and race with us! 

At the Start/Finish Line

  • No Race Day Registration!
  • Wear a mask while gathering at the start - while not required if you are fully vaccinated - this is a youth race and children under 12 cannot be vaccinated so for the safety of all we highly recommend until the race begins for all participants.  Masks are also recommended for all volunteers and spectators regardless of vaccination status.  
  • Social distancing at the start.  As stated several times - your time does not begin until you cross the starting line, therefore, when possible maintain social distancing and take your time getting across the start.  
  • Water station - will be set up so that water is left on the table - please take one cup and move quickly away from the water station.  All workers of the water station will wear masks.
  • All participants should avoid any physical contact with other participants, which includes high fives, fist bumps, or close contact before, during or after the event. 
  • Medals will be handed to the finishers (only children receive medals) and not placed around their necks so to limit contact.
  • Post race a pre-packaged snack bag will be available - please take one bag and exit the area immediately.  
  • Participants are encouraged to gather their belongings and leave immediately after the event. We discourage congregating before or after the race. 
  • Good hand hygiene – Hand sanitizer, hand washing stations, wipes and other cleaning supplies will be available throughout our events to promote good hand hygiene for all and the wiping down of surfaces.


Runner Safety - As participants in a race there are things we can do to have a fun and safe event.  Please consider each 

  • When lining up at the start please note the sandwhich boards that show race pace - this will help you start with the group that closely resembles your pace and will ensure a safe start.
  • Your time does not start until you cross the start line (for the youth runners with timed chipped bibs) - so it is no issue to start towards the back if you want more space.
  • Socially distance yourself at the start giving everyone space and remember your time does not start until you cross the start line.
  • Consider running with a buddy of similar pace.  Not only is this fun but it helps keep you motivated to the finish.
  • Parents please stay off the course unless you are running.  We do not want a runner falling down because and enthusiastic parent was in the way.  You can cheer on the kids from a safe distance.
  • We emphasize personal goals at RunFit Kidz and this is a youth event - keep it positive.